Our Services

HOOKE's advanced health-screening and health memberships offer you transformative, personalised diagnostics, ongoing assessment, longevity optimisation, and continuous nurturing care.

The World's most advanced health screening and health memberships

Increase your healthspan

We have appointed some of the world’s leading experts in medicine, longevity, fitness, nutrition and psychology and created a considered environment of high-end, luxury-minded care.

bespoke reports

Once all assessment results have been collated, our Multidisciplinary Team undertake a full review and collate a detailed report synthesising all the data, identifying priority areas for action, and recommending lifestyle changes.


HOOKE operates out of a discreet London Mayfair hub, which we share with Personal Space: a gym and sports therapy centre. We have appointed some of the world’s leading experts in medicine, longevity, fitness, nutrition and psychology and created an environment of high-end, luxury-minded care.

No waiting

Our unique relationships with London’s premier hospitals and experts mean that all other testing or further specialist help deemed necessary is arranged immediately with the best in their fields. Our members supported at every step to help them unlock the vast reserve of possibility hidden within.

The latest technology

The HOOKE Investigation utilises the following
advanced screening technologies:

  • Whole Genome Sequencing and Polygenic Risk Scoring
  • CT scan of the Coronary Arteries
  • Endoscopy
  • USS of Major Organs
  • Body Composition via Bioimpedance (InBody)
  • Mammogram
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Bone Density Scan (DEXA)
  • Blood Tests
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Colonoscopy
  • Continuous wearable devices

Prevent age-related diseases

HOOKE aims to prevent age related disease, including the following conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Dementia
  • Metabolic Disorders
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Kidney & Liver Disease
  • Osteoporosis

Exclusive benefits

For Healthspan, Healthspan+ and Performance members

Your BioScore

The Hooke BioScore was developed jointly with the leading scientists on its Scientific Advisory Board.  It uses data from the Hooke Investigation to establish the base level of your health and the how well you have aged against people of the same age.  Most importantly, it tracks the direction and rate of change over time, demonstrating whether we have succeeded in slowing the pace of your ageing.

Personalised supplementation

All HOOKE programme members are also eligible for proprietary supplements—exclusive to HOOKE—for improving cognition, longevity and bone matrix—in additional to personalised supplements with levels adjusted in line with specific nutritional deficiencies and needs.

(Please note all medicines and supplements are charged at an additional fee)

Wearable devices

All HOOKE members are eligible to receive wearable devices including , continuous glucose monitors, heart rate monitors and Oura rings to monitor sleep and activity tracking: providing our multidisciplinary team real-time insight into your health.

Invest in your health

Live a longer, happier and healthier life.